【PC Hard Drive】euphoria HD/Paradise HD Version V1.01

Picture [1] - [PC Hard Drive] euphoria HD / Paradise HD Version V1.01 - Cute
"Euphoria" is an 18+ love adventure game released by CLOCKUP on June 24, 2011. The HD version was released on April 25, 2014, and the DVDPG and BDPG versions were released by AICHERRY on August 30, 2012. It was later adapted into an OVA and a novel and released.

Pseudonym: Yufulia
Roman: euphoria
Type: curiosity, suspense, pure love
Game type: Love adventure
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
Game engine: YU-RIS
Development Team: CLOCKUP
Publisher: CLOCKUP (PC), AICHERRY (DVDPG, BDPG), MangaGamer (English version)
Screenwriter: Asao Ei, Izumi Manya
Art: Kaoru Hamajima
Music: Uehara Ichiyuki
Number of players: 1
Release date: June 24, 2011, April 25, 2014 (HD version), August 30, 2012 (DVDPG, BDPG), November 27, 2015 (English version)
Age limit: 18+
Number of endings: 14

Game Introduction:

The protagonist Keisuke woke up in a daze and found himself lying in a white room with a green light on the door of the secret room. The protagonist pushed the door open and found people who were also brought into this strange space in another white room, including his childhood sweetheart Hokariya, class monitor Ando Toko, schoolmate Makiwa Rika, English teacher Aoi Natsuki, Byakuya Rinone from the same grade, and classmate Manaka Hehuan.
No one knew why they were here. A sudden system broadcast said, "This is a game, there are seven participants, the protagonist is the key, and the female characters are the keyholes.
The game requires participants to unlock the lock in a specified way, and the keyhole is the private part of the female characters. Participants can now choose to quit or continue the game. "
Such conditions made the usually conservative squad leader angry on the spot and he expressed his intention to quit.
After the system confirmed it, the lights suddenly dimmed. When they came back on, everyone found that the squad leader was tied to a torture device and then tragically electrocuted on a chair. Such a horrific result left no choice but to quit the game.
When the protagonist observes the remains of the squad leader, Manaka Gawa discovered the protagonist Keisuke's abnormal sexual fetish. Under the threat of Gawa's disclosure of his sexual fetish, the protagonist is forced to sign a contract kiss. In order to protect his childhood sweetheart Ye and escape from this white space, the protagonist and the female characters are forced to unlock the door according to the system's instructions.
Picture [2] - [PC Hard Drive] euphoria HD / Paradise HD Version V1.01 - Cute
Picture [3] - [PC Hard Drive] euphoria HD / Paradise HD Version V1.01 - Cute
Picture [4] - [PC Hard Drive] euphoria HD / Paradise HD Version V1.01 - Cute

Before downloading resources, you need the following

1. If you are under 18 years old, please close this page!
2. Please use professional decompression tools such as win_7Z or RAR to decompress! (This is very important)
3. Double-click "Paradise_HD Version.exe" on PC to run the game
4. Give priority to using Microsoft resolution for downloading. (faster)
5. When using Baidu Netdisk to download, please do not decompress online!!! This will cause the file to be blocked, which is not good for you!!!
6. If you have the ability, please support the genuine product!

Download address: Click Microsoft & Baidu to jump to download!

The Chinese patch of "Meng Ni Mei Chinese Translation Group" has been applied!!!
Comes with "Infantry Patch" please choose
The game is relatively large and is divided into two compressed packages. Please download the entire package before decompressing it, otherwise the data will be damaged!
5. When using Baidu Netdisk to download, please do not decompress online!!! This will cause the file to be blocked, which is not good for you!!!

Microsoft download point:click to download
Microsoft analysis download point:click to download Access code: yr5y
Baidu Netdisk download point:click to download Extraction code:48p3

Decompression password: qingju

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