[PC Hard Drive] Raging Loop

Image [1] - [PC Hard Drive] Raging Loop - Ke Meng
"Mystery of Werewolf Village" is a text adventure game developed by KEMCO Co., Ltd. and released on iOS and Android platforms on December 3, 2015.
In the game, the player will play the role of Fang Shiyangming, a lost young man. After being rescued to a strange village called Xiushui Village, he is immediately involved in a cannibalistic game. In order to end the game and leave the village safely, he confronts the villagers.

Chinese name: The Mystery of the Werewolf Village
Original name: Ray Jin Grup
Aliases: Raging Loop
Game type: text adventure, puzzle, visual novel
Game platforms: iOS, Android, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows (DMM.com, Steam, DWANGO JP store, DLsite)
Region: Japan
Developer: KEMCO Co., Ltd.
Issuer: KEMCO Co., Ltd.
Release Date: December 3, 2015 (iOS, Android), January 11, 2017 (PlayStation Vita), March 1, 2017 (PlayStation 4), August 3, 2017 (Nintendo Switch), August 24, 2017 (DMM.com, Steam, DWANGO JP Store, DL Site)
Directors: Makiko Watanabe, Shuhei Nobuki (Directors), Yudai Watanabe, Rei Okubo (Assistant Directors)
Screenwriter: amphibian
Main voice acting: Arai Satoshi, Kitazawa Shiwen, Okamura Uminami, Kaya Miki, Matsumoto Kyohei, Ikuta Nana, Saito Takuya, Ueki Yumiko, Kamono Kosuke, Iwamoto Yuka, Momose Akira, Katsuda Shinnosuke, Tai Yumibo, Ozawa Naoki, Matsumoto Kazuma, Minami Miho
Background music: Naito
Game engine: Unity
Game rating: CERO: D, ESRB: M, PEGI: 16
Main characters: Fususeki Yomei, Serizawa Chie Minoru, Huimo Rikako, Makishima Haru, Oribe Yasunaga, Niota Kinmo, Muro Takumi, Oribe Kaori, Oribe Yoshitsugu, Mamiya Hisako, Hashimoto Yudai, Nori Seinosuke, Yamawaki Tae, Wolf Grandpa, Makishima Kanzo, Baeko
Character illustration: Shadow (aka カゲロウ)
Illustration management: Kawasaki Mami

Game Introduction:

1. Lost People

Motorcycle traveler "Fang Shi Yangming" wanders in the mountains after getting lost and having an accident.

2. Encounter

After crossing a dark forest and an icy river, he was rescued by a strange young woman, who treated him to a banquet.

3. A Different World in the Mountains

The next morning, Yangming found himself in an "unwelcome place".
Isolated geographical environment, exclusive residents, strange customs, beliefs -

4. Evening mist

Yangming repaired the motorcycle that was picked up and hoped to leave the village as soon as possible, but he was caught up in the sudden appearance of evening mist and the chaotic residents and lost his chance.
That night, he was attacked and killed by a "werewolf".
And yet - when he realized it, he was back to the first night when he got lost on his motorcycle.

5. Open the banquet

Yangming entered Xiushui Village again and avoided encountering monsters and death.
The next day, residents gathered in the meeting hall and took surprising action.

6. Legend

They said that the "Wolf God", a god who was killed by humans in the past, was resurrected.
The villagers must discuss and find out the wolf god who killed the villagers and replaced them, and then "hang him".
This horrific execution ceremony was named "The Feast of Huangquan Ji" -

7. Ignorance

Superstition. Madness. Monsters. And the incredible resurrection of the dead——
The countless mysteries floating in the fog must be unraveled.
For this, death is necessary.
You have to start over and avoid the fatal options.
It has to go further than “before”.
To do this, one must win the vote and let others suffer the punishment.
Image [2] - [PC Hard Drive] Raging Loop - Ke Meng
Image [3] - [PC Hard Drive] Raging Loop - Ke Meng


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