【Android Direct Installation】【SLG】My sister is bankrupt

Picture [1] - [Android Direct Installation] [SLG] My sister went bankrupt - Cute
Picture [2] - [Android Direct Installation] [SLG] My sister went bankrupt - Cute

Game Introduction:

We will become the male protagonist in the game. Because our family encounters misfortune, we have to think of some ways to save them. You can choose the game plot by yourself, choose the direction of plot development you want, and keep operating according to the game prompts. Let's try it.


1. If you are under 18 years old, please close this page!
2. Please use professional decompression tools ZA or RAR to decompress! (This is very important)
4. Give priority to using Microsoft resolution for downloading. (faster)
5. When using Baidu Netdisk to download, please do not decompress online!!! This will cause the file to be blocked, which is not good for you!!!
5. If you have the ability, please support the genuine product!

Download address: Click Microsoft & Baidu to jump to download!

5. When using Baidu Netdisk to download, please do not decompress online!!! This will cause the file to be blocked, which is not good for you!!!
Chinese patch has been applied!!!

Microsoft download point:click to download
Microsoft analysis download point:click to download
Baidu Netdisk download point:click to download Extraction code:w4op

Decompression password: qingju

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